What if I told you that you could build multiple streams of income in less than a year?

What most people don’t understand is that being a multipassionate writer is a superpower. But like most superpowers, you need to learn how to harness it.

One of the most common emails I receive every day is from writers who want to freelance, write books, publish newsletters, and build creative businesses.

They worry—or have been told by well-meaning mentors—that they have to pick one thing to be successful.

Yet, look around and you’ll notice that some of the most successful writers today have multiple streams of income. They’re writing books, publishing columns in newspapers, launching Substacks, and teaching workshops.

Figuring out how to use my multipassionate superpower changed my career. And I want to help you change yours.

I’ve made a free masterclass to show you why you may not be getting the momentum you need in your writing career.

I’ll show you what you have to do to fix it.

And I’ll help you feel clear about your next steps and confident that you’re on the right track.

I will give you a step-by-step strategy to build multiple sources of income with your creative work in less than a year.

Very stimulating. Excellent material. I recommend this class to those interested in writing for publications. Instructor is widely published, willing to share details of how participants can do the same, caring, and available for private consultation. She makes this ambitious task seem achievable. Sign up. You won't be sorry and you'll probably see yourself in print.

person in black long sleeve shirt holding persons hand

In this free masterclass, I will show you...

  • How to turn your multiple and unique passions into a superpower.
  • How to get to a six-figure income in less than a year
  • A new way of thinking about your writing career, one that is profitable and expansive.

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